Current Tufts student Katie Shelburne the following about being a Summer Intern at The Center for Houston’s Future …
What did you do as an intern at this organization?
As an intern at the Center for Houston’s Future, I helped create scripts for webcasts about climate change and immigration. I also spent the summer organizing a healthcare roundtable to convene business, healthcare, and policy leaders for a discussion about health equity in the greater Houston region.
How did you find this internship?
I found this internship through a family friend who knew of my interest in urban planning and recommended that I apply to work at the Center for Houston’s Future.
What did you enjoy most about your internship?
I enjoyed my relationships with my coworkers the most. I worked with a very small team, which allowed me to get to know all of my coworkers on a deeper level than I would have at a larger firm.
What did you find challenging?
Much of my internship was self-directed, which required me to carefully plan my time and activities for each work day.
What advice would you offer to someone who wants to make the most of an internship like yours?
I would say that to make the most of an internship like mine, one should go above and beyond what is asked through offering to take on more responsibility and making sure that all work submitted is of the highest quality possible.
About the Organization
Center for Houston’s Future (CHF) works to address matters of highest importance to the long-term future of the greater Houston region, by engaging diverse leaders, providing impactful research, and defining actionable strategies.