#GetHiredOnHandshake: Fair Follow Up

Good afternoon Jumbos! Thanks to all who attended last week’s Fall Virtual Career Fair, and our In-Person Career Fair the week before that! While we’ve got the momentum going, we wanted to chat this week about fair follow-up. Below are some things you may wish to do to round out your career fair experience.

  1. First, thank your recruiters! If you connected with a recruiter at a booth or during a one-on-one, consider sending them a thank you note for taking the time to meet with you. This gesture goes a long way towards ensuring that employers remember you and keep you in mind for possible future opportunities at their company. To quickly review who you attended virtual sessions with, click on the Your schedule tab on the virtual fair page. Each session host’s name, job title, and company will display. Click the button Send a message, to the right of the host’s information, to follow up with them directly.

2. Check if any of the companies you met have jobs or internships posted on Handshake, and consider applying! They may even be doing On Campus Interviews that you could participate in. If you aren’t ready to apply for anything just yet, you can save the jobs you like so you’ll get notifications to apply before the deadlines.

3. Have your eye on a company and want to learn more? Take advantage of Handshake’s messaging tool and send a note to students or alumni that have worked for that employer, or reach out to a publicly-listed point of contact for the company. This is a great way to learn more about the company culture, practice your networking skills, and expand your network.

4. Follow the Handshake profiles of companies you met with at the fair. When you follow a Handshake profile, you will receive notifications of employer activity at Tufts, including events you may want to attend in the future.

5. Overwhelmed by all the info you picked up at the fairs and unsure what to do next? Make an appointment with a Tufts career advisor to reflect on your experience at the fair and make a plan for next steps. Advising appointments are a great way to synthesize everything you have picked up at the fair, analyze job opportunities, weigh your options, and refine your career goals.

We hope you had a positive experience at this season’s fairs. If you have any friends who are not yet on Handshake, encourage them to create an account!

By Willa Mayo
Willa Mayo Recruiting Coordinator, Employer Relations