Court Watch Volunteering – Language Barriers to Access

Want to visit a courtroom? Ready to support research being done by MA Appleseed Center for Law and Justice with the MA Law Reform Institute on Language Barriers to Access?  This is the volunteer opportunity is for YOU!!

How to volunteer:

  1. If you attended or registered for the info session on 1/16/25, check your email for a message from Handshake.
    • It contains all of the links that you need to participate.  The links are not intended for public posting.
  2. If you did not register for the info session, that is ok! You can still volunteer. 
  3. Email me, Pre-Law Advisor Rebecca Corke, to let me know that you participated and whether you would like to talk about the experience.

Important Notes:

  • The Courts are CLOSED on holidays, such as today, Monday 1/20.
  • Volunteering must be completed by February 28th (DEADLINE EXTENDED)

Enjoy this special opportunity!

Happy volunteering!

-Rebecca Corke

By Rebecca Corke
Rebecca Corke Pre-Law Advisor