Environmental Affairs & Sustainability

Environmental Affairs & Sustainability

This is an interdisciplinary subgroup for those who wish to combine their interests in improving the environment and educating the public regarding complex issues that will affect the environment for years to come. Accordingly, this subgroup has resources for individuals who want to learn about internships and jobs that promote efficient usage of resources and aim to solve complex environmental issues related to transportation and pollution, energy conservation and use, reforestation, waste reduction, recycling, as well as green building and design. Examples of careers that fall into this community can include ESG Analysis, Sustainability Consulting, Environmental Justice & Advocacy, Environmental Law, Sustainability Education and Awareness, Environmental and Policy/Grant Writing and Social Impact/Non-profit work. Students may also wish to visit our Education, Nonprofit & Social Impact Career Community for additional resources.

Featured Resources

3 Questions with…

Looking for some quick advice from Tufts alumni? In our 3 Questions with … series, alumni share their stories, along …

Public Service & Advocacy Networking Night — Alumni and Employers in Attendance

The following individuals are scheduled to attend our Public Service & Advocacy Networking Night on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. Following …

Change-Making in the Workplace

We continue to hear stories of underrepresentation and inequality in and around the workplace. How are companies responding to these …