Are you interested in Consulting? Some of the largest management consulting firms – including McKinsey and Bain – have upcoming deadlines for internships and full-time positions with 2025 start dates. Yes, this is a full year in advance! Rising juniors …
Sam Youkeles, a rising Senior in Computer Science, just shared the following about his internship:
How did you find this internship?
A few years ago, I asked the site’s web developer (who is a family friend) if I could “shadow”
Current student Maya Land shared the following about being an intern at Cnergi…
How did you find this internship?
I found this internship through a professor at my study abroad program (DIS Abroad Copenhagen).
What did you enjoy most about …
Welcome to our preparation tips for case interviews! Whether you are just curious about case interviews or are planning to apply for consulting internships or full-time jobs, these tips and resources will help you feel more prepared and confident.
What …
Current student Caroline Stephens shared the following about being an intern at Social Skills, Imagination, and Theatre Lab at George Mason University…
How did you find this internship?
I found this lab by searching for a list of the best …
Tufts senior David Tan shared the following information about his internship with McKinsey & Company…
What was your role as an intern?
My role at McKinsey was a Business Analyst Intern.
How did you find this internship?
I found the …
Welcome to “3 Questions with …”, a recurring feature on the Career Center blog. We’re asking alumni of all graduation years and career interests to share a bit of their experiences and advice.
Farzana Hoque ’05, Principal Advisor, ESG & …