Nonprofits, Direct Service & Advocacy
Nonprofits are mission-driven organizations that are dedicated to addressing a particular issue or advocating for a cause. This sector is vast, and includes numerous industries and job functions. You might find yourself working directly with others or advocating on behalf of issues and/or specific communities. Nonprofits range in size and often employ professionals across functional areas — from direct service to finance, leadership and marketing. With the skills you like to use and functional areas you’re interested in, you can find yourself working at a Nonprofit in a role that allows you to support a cause you care about.
We encourage you to check out these recommended resources for career exploration, internship and job searches.
Learn & Explore
- Introduction to Nonprofits
- Idealist Guide to Nonprofit Careers for First-Time Job Seekers — PDF book with downloadable chapters, including an overview of the nonprofit sector and its hiring practices, self-assessment tools, resume and cover letter information and more.
- Earning a Living at Nonprofits
- GuideStar — A national database of nonprofit organizations, searchable by location and keyword
- About nonprofit fellowships
- Advocacy through Corporate Social Responsibility
- Careers in community and social services
- Introduction to Social Work
- Careers in human services
- Career paths in instructional and curriculum design
- Common nonprofit job titles and job descriptions
- Information about starting a nonprofit
- Boston Network for International Development — Events and resources for Boston area groups and individuals concerned with issues of international development and global justice.
- Tisch College of Civic Life and Tisch College News
- Tisch College-Affiliated Student Organizations: Join student organizations at Tufts to get involved in the local community
- Tisch Institute for Nonprofit Practice: Hosts several workshops on service and leadership in nonprofits every year, which are free for students to attend
- Tisch Academic Programs: Learn about academic programs at Tisch, including the Civic Studies Major and the Entrepreneurship for Social Impact Minor
- Jumpstart Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteering with Jumpstart is a great way to get involved with youth in the local community and start having an impact
- Community Partnerships: Learn about partnerships between Tufts and the surrounding community and ways to get involved
- Summer Institute of Civic Studies: An intensive interdisciplinary seminar that brings together faculty, advanced graduate students, and practitioners from many countries and diverse fields of study
- Tufts University Prison Initiative of the Tisch College of Civic Life (TUPIT): Brings Tufts faculty and students together with incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people, corrections staff, educators, and scholars of criminal justice to facilitate creative and collaborative responses to the problems of mass incarceration
- Program for Public Humanities: Stay up to date with fascinating lectures and new opportunities that focus on fostering civic engagement in the humanities
- What do clinical psychologists do?
- What do counselors do?
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: Interested in philanthropy? Stay up to date and learn more
- Massachusetts Nonprofit Network: This network of nonprofits in Massachusetts is a great resource to learn, explore, and find opportunities in the state
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services: Learn about the substance abuse and mental health services agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Google Social Impact Opportunities: Explore social impact in the corporate sector at organizations like Google
- Working at Museums
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate Impact Careers
Find Opportunities
- –– Online career center for those interested in nonprofit, volunteer, and community organizations. Hundreds of job, internship, and volunteer listings available, focusing on human rights, the environment, prison reform, women’s issues, and more.
- Summer Jobs that Matter: Work on issues that matter with some of the country’s leading nonprofit organizations.
- Second Day Job Feed — Each week, they share a share a few of their favorite social impact job opportunities. Not all roles are entry level, but they’ll give you some great ideas and information!
- Tisch Scholars Program
- Summer Internships Through the Tisch Summer Fellows Program
- Work for Good: Job board focused on mission-driven careers
- AmeriCorps State Programs: A variety of MA state-wide year of service programs
- AmeriCorps VISTA: Year of Service and summer programs helping build communities and build capacities at non-profit organizations
- Foundation List: Job board specifically designed for opportunities within the nonprofit sector
- Philanthropy News Digest: PND’s job board provides listings of full-time job openings at tax-exempt organizations.
- Public Service Fellowships
- National Council of Nonprofits Careers Page
- Hire Culture: Jobs and internships at creative and cultural institutions
- TSNE MissionWorks: Job board for nonprofits and social change
- Second Day Impact Fellowship: Designed to prepare accomplished and impact-driven college seniors for the unique opportunities and challenges of fighting for social change
- Future Leaders in Action: This fellowship is designed to equip the next generation of social sector leaders with critical work skills while earning a living wage
- Organizing Corps: Recruits first-time organizers and trains them on the skills they need to get a paid, full-time job working in Democratic campaigns
- Vote Save America: Opportunities at political action organizations
- VolunteerMatch: By entering your zip code, you get a plethora of volunteer opportunities including one-day stints that fit easily into busy schedules
Grad School, Licensure, Professional Associations
- APA-Accredited Programs: Find the psychology graduate program that’s right for you
- Social Work License Map: Information on becoming a licensed social worker by state
- Young Nonprofit Professionals Network
- Association of Fundraising Professionals — Massachusetts Chapter
- Association of Donor Relations Professionals
- American Psychological Association (Clinical Psychology Specialization)
- American Psychological Association (Counseling Psychology Specialization)