Law school, both applying and attending, is a big investment of time and money. Before you dive in, take time to consider your interests, motivations, commitment, and trends in the job market. Please use the resources on this website to learn about preparing for and applying to law school.
Make an advising appointment with Rebecca Corke, Pre-Law Advisor in the Tufts Career Center for assistance with the process.
Pre-Law Advising: Explore
Before you decide to go to law school, explore your options and assess whether law professions are a good fit for your skills and interests.
Pre-Law Advising: Prepare
Consider this 4-year plan as you prepare for law school, as well as academic and experiential preparation tips, networking advice, and more.
Pre-Law Advising: Apply
There is no one single path to law school, and the right time frame for applying is an individual decision. Visit this page for info about selecting law schools, what you’ll need to apply, and paying for school.
Pre-Law eNews
Register for our monthly newsletter and receive upcoming webinars, other virtual events and programs, job and internship listings, and more.
Forage Virtual Work Experience Programs
These programs give you the opportunity to learn from top companies and set yourself apart. In self-paced virtual programs for Law, you’ll learn the skills companies look for in new hires BEFORE they hire you. You’ll complete tasks that mirror real life, watch video instructions from actual employees, and compare your work to model examples.