Tufts Career Fair One-Stop Tabling in Mayer Campus Center

The Tufts Career Center will have an informational table in the Campus Center Monday through Thursday 9/16-9/19 from 12pm-2pm. Stop by to learn about our In-Person Career Fair coming up this fall. Bring your phone to access our QR codes that will take you right to our fair registration page.The Career Fair will have a LinkedIn Booth for students to have their headshots taken for their LinkedIn profiles. We will also have a student chill out area as a place to get organized, relax, and enjoy some snacks. Additionally, we will have a student-employer conversation area for students that would be more comfortable connecting with employers individually rather than at their booth.Fall Career Fair Date and Time: Friday, Sept. 27th 11:30am-2:30pm in Gantcher

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