Jumbos4Jumbos Sample Project and Submission Requirements
Thank you for partnering with the Tufts Career Center to offer virtual experiential opportunities to undergraduate students to gain valuable career-related project-based experience to add to their resumes.
Jumbos4Jumbos is hosted on our networking and mentoring community, The Herd. This will make the process seamless for students looking to view and access your projects. Alumni can self-manage the process through this portal and will be able to submit projects for review, manage and interview applicants, and close projects, as well as receive automated updates throughout each step of the process.
The project samples below will show you the various fields you will be asked to to include in your project submission. These fields will be required for submitting a project for review and approval by the Tufts Career Center. We recommend that you have all these details prepared in advance before submitting your project. Please provide as many details as possible about your specific project needs so that we can ensure you reach the right candidates for the role you are hoping to fill.


Section 1. Company Details:
We recommend including the name of your organization, website, and upload a company logo for this section. If your company has submitted a project in the past, the information will be pre-populated; otherwise, you will be able to create a new company during your submission process.
Section 2. Project Basics:
In this section, you will want to include the Project Title/Role you are hiring for, a project description, an icon that best aligns with your needs (photo options are available to choose from) as well as include the industries that best match the type of work and organization from a drop-down menu of options.
Section 3. Additional Details:
In this section you will need to provide additional information regarding the project, including payment, i.e., paid (lump sum amount based on min. $15.00 per hour) or unpaid, duration (number of hours required for your project), start and end dates for the project, and project qualifications that you are seeking from the students to be eligible to apply for this role.
Section 4. Application Preferences:
In this section you will have to select the student types (i.e., class years) you are seeking (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior), the expiration for the posting, requirements for the application such as a resume and/or cover letter as well as any other documents you may need (ex. writing sample, data project, etc.)
Note: This program is only available to current Tufts undergraduate students seeking project-based experience in lieu of internships or other experience-based opportunities. We ask that graduate students and alumni not apply for these opportunities.
Section 5. Project Policy Guidelines: Waiver document to be signed by all project managers
Each project creator/manager will be asked to sign a waiver that outlines required project policies such as non-discrimination, Fair Labor Standards, and health and safety. It is important that each project manager review this information and abide by these policies before interviewing and offering a candidate your open project position. If you have any questions about this information, please contact Sue Atkins, Associate Director, Employer Relations at Tufts University at susan.atkins@tufts.edu.