If you are a Tufts student and find yourself only using Google to find opportunities and getting overwhelmed, you might find that you can use your time more effectively if you utilize some of the tools that are available from the Tufts Career Center to assist with students’ searches for opportunities.
The Tufts Career Center has a variety of tools, including Handshake, that are available for Tufts students to use to support their search for internships or jobs. Earlier this spring, we gave a tutorial on some of these resources during our virtual program, Gaining Experience in the COVID Era.
Take a look at our video on “Leveraging Resources in Addition to Handshake” and make your search for opportunities more robust. The video contains mini lessons on what you can find using Interstride, CEI Internships, APSIA Guides, Capitol Hill Careers, and What Can I Do With a Major in _______?
Also keep in mind that, depending on your interests, our career communities will also have other resources that can supplement your search.