Learn more about writing resumes and cover letters.

Resumes, CVs (curriculum vitae), and Cover Letters are your main tools as you seek to gain experience through internships, jobs, and volunteer positions. They do the talking before you have a chance to meet employers face-to-face.

You may not know exactly where to start or you may have a resume or CV that needs polishing. The Career Center can help you learn to craft polished, error-free job-search materials that communicate effectively and concisely why you’re the best candidate for the job.

Your Resume

Your resume is a brief summary of your relevant abilities, education, and experience. It should highlight your strongest assets and differentiate you from other candidates. A CV is also a summary of your experience and abilities, but used most frequently by Ph.D. students. A CV will include more credentials relevant to academia and research, such as publications, presentations, and references.

Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is how you introduce yourself to organizations. It will accompany your resume. Use your cover letter to describe your qualifications as well as your interest in both the position and organization so the employer will want to interview you.

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