Internship Spotlight: Cross World Africa

Current student Matthew Letua shared the following about being an Intern at Cross World Africa…

What did you do as an intern there?
Project Facilitation: I played an integral role in planning and executing Cross World Africa’s essential projects, including the food bank initiative and the livestock distibution. These projects were aimed at uplifting the livelihoods of local communities and empower them to become self-sufficient. Data Collection: I conducted interviews with Cross World Africa’s beneficiaries, a pivotal aspect of my internship. These interviews were instrumental in assessing the progress and impact of the organization’s initiatives, providing valuable insights for future improvements and interventions. Mentorship: I had the honor of mentoring high school students in both the Rift Valley and Nairobi. This role allowed me to guide and inspire these young minds, fostering their enthusiasm for learning and personal growth. Communications Director: In my role as Communications Director, I was in charge of updating and administering the organization’s social media sites. Through these means, I effectively communicated and documented all Cross World Africa events and activities, ensuring that the organization’s vision and impact were shared with a global audience.

How did you find this internship?
I learned about this position through KenSAP, one of Africa’s most competitive college access programs.

What did you enjoy most about your internship? 
I appreciated the component of field work as part of my responsibilities, where I could conduct interviews with Cross World Africa’s beneficiaries and learn about their progress. This provided me the opportunity to meet new people and even try to learn a few words in their language. I appreciated the chance to immerse myself in the rich and diverse culture of the Kalenjin people of East Africa, making significant links with local communities. Their hospitality, friendliness, and food were all fantastic. I also enjoyed my communications director internship, where I was in charge of updating the organization’s social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. It enabled me to reflect on every event and project we worked on.

What did you find challenging?
It was difficult to balance the demands of the internship with academic commitments and personal growth. Sometimes I got caught up in the flow of events, especially when it came to field work, and I forgot to evaluate my progress. Another difficult component of my internship was the language barrier that existed between me and the local population with whom I was working, the Kalenjins. But, in the end, all of these challenges pushed me to work smart and hard in learning making my experience worth growth.

What advice would you offer to someone who wants to make the most of an internship like yours?
Future non-profit interns should embrace cultural immersion, remain devoted to their goals, and seek mentorship and assistance from seasoned professionals and colleagues. Cultural humility is also something to consider before embarking on this internship. Moverver, do some study on where you want to work, such as learning the language of the community in question. They should also have defined goals before beginning the internship and make full use of the school’s resources to ensure the success of their internship.

About the Organization

Cross World Africa

Cross World Africa (CWA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to making hope a reality for impoverished communities in throughout Kenya.


By Sheryl Rosenberg
Sheryl Rosenberg Associate Director