Internship Spotlight: Fundación Salva Terra

Current student Tomás Gómez Revelo shared the following about being an intern at Fundación Salva Terra…

How did you find this internship?

What did you enjoy most about your internship? 
Working to improve the socioeconomic conditions and opportunities of rural communities affected by the internal conflict in my home country, and being able to see the results

What did you find challenging?
Being given a lot of responsibilities and freedom of action with minimal oversight, but I learned to appreciate it as the trust that was given to me and became much more autonomous and assertive in the process

What advice would you offer to someone who wants to make the most of an internship like yours?
Cultivate close professional relationships with you supervisor and coworkers; Learn as much as you can from their examples; Don’t be afraid to ask anything, and never leave a doubt unresolved; Talk with other people about your goals and listen to their wisdom and experiences, but never forget that, ultimately, you are the only one who can decide what’s best for you

By Sheryl Rosenberg
Sheryl Rosenberg Associate Director