Gain the basic Excel skills professionals in business & finance use every day. Whether you’re a new to spreadsheets, or experienced, fast track your modelling skills with Goldman Sachs today.
At Goldman Sachs, we’re excited to equip learners like you with one of the most critical skills any professional in any industry should have: the ability to use Excel & spreadsheets.
With Excel and spreadsheets, professionals at Goldman Sachs are able to advise on some of the most transformative deals and business projects in the world – with some being in the hundreds of billions of dollars.
Throughout this job simulation and course, you’ll familiarize yourself with some of the tricks, patterns and tools professionals at Goldman Sachs use every day at work.
Benefits for students:
• No applications, self-paced and can participate from anywhere in the world
• Certificate of completion from Goldman Sachs awarded to those that complete the program recognizing the Excel skills demonstrated
• Come out of this program with a complete and professional Excel model that you can walk through employers and interviewers with
This program is self-paced. It takes approximately 4-5 hours to complete.
Skills Learned:
Basic Excel Skills
Understand key shortcuts and functionalities in Excel related to banking and finance- Microsoft Excel
- Cell Basics
- Formatting, Comments and Naming
Forecasting Operating Assumptions
Understand the common ways to forecast operating assumptions- Assumptions
- Financial Forecasting
- Microsoft Excel
Translating Assumptions to the P&L
Understand how to build a simplified profit and loss statement- Income Statement
- Microsoft Excel
Forecasting Cash Flows
Understand how the P&L translates to Cash Flow Forecasting- Cash Flow Modelling
- Microsoft Excel
Creating Outputs in Excel
Understand how to produce presentable outputs in Excel- Charting
- Microsoft Excel