Data Analytics
In this subgroup you will find information on Data Science, Data Analytics and Machine Learning. Broadly, this group involves the study and usage of big data. Professions that use data to pose questions of large data sets or model possible answers based on data all fall into this category. All industries, from sports to biomedical, and from finance to politics, need people who can examine huge amounts of information and synthesize it to allow for better and more data driven decisions. New applications for machine learning, AI, and robotic process automation are surfacing all the time. Typical titles for those working in this field include Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Specialist, Data Analytics Specialist, Market Analyst, Data Engineer, Biostatistician, Data Integrity Specialist, BI Specialist, and Machine Learning Engineer. Since this is a rapidly expanding field, the resources available will undoubtedly continue to grow.
- aijobs — Jobs and Talents in AI, ML, Data Science and Big Data.
- American Statistical Association — Website with the world’s largest community of statisticians.
- DataQuest — Courses for learning R, Python and SQL
- — Provides technical job postings.
- — A place for those who love data to collaborate, share, learn and develop their careers. It’s a targeted platform for those looking to start a career in data analysis.
- Data Jobs — Jobs in big data technology and analytics.
- Data Science Central — The industry’s online resource for big data practitioners.
- Dice — Job search engine with computer programming and highly technical employment opportunities in contract and full-time positions.
- Forbes-Transition Your Career to Analytics — Learn about ways to transition into a career in analytics.
- insideBIGDATA — A news outlet that distills news, strategies, products and services in the world of Big Data Analytics.
- Interactive Online SQL Training — An introductory SQL tutorial, a programming language that is widely used in the field of data science.
- The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences — Serves the professional needs of Analytics Professionals and Operations Researchers such as educators, scientists, students, analysts, etc.
- Tufts Admissions Blog — A discussion regarding data science.