COVID Expectations for Students Regarding Internships
Tufts encourages students to discuss shared expectations with a potential internship site before they begin their internships, to confirm if they will be working remote, in-person or hybrid, and to understand the COVID protocols for each opportunity they chose to pursue, including the following:
- Tufts expects internship sites to follow all available public health guidance and protocols from state and health authorities and to take appropriate precautions to prioritize the health and safety of all participants, including by implementing infection-control measures such as requiring face coverings and social distancing in all internship locations where students might be placed.
- Tufts expects students to follow the University’s policies and guidelines around infection control and, where appropriate, to comply with additional precautions that may apply at the internship site.
Tufts does not control or operate external placement sites and cannot advise students or employers on state or federally mandated COVID protocols. However, if students have concerns regarding their health, they are encouraged to use resources available through Tufts COVID webpage:
Students are also encouraged to speak with a Human Resources representative at their internship site to obtain any specific information or to ask questions about COVID protocols and guidance during the period of their internship.